Through participation in the Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC) programs and initiatives, a growing number of family doctors are finding their way back to rewarding and efficient clinical practice, providing access to quality primary care, and having their voices heard in primary care transformation.
Divisions of Family Practice
Are community-based groups of family physicians who work together to achieve common health care goals, and collaborate with partners to enhance local patient care and improve professional satisfaction for physicians.
Doctors Technology Office
Provides centralized support to for coordinating and enhancing EMR functionality and interoperability, technology solutions and support for complex IT technical issues, and centralized data management and reporting needs.
Incentive Program
Provides incentive compensation to family doctors to support aspects of longitudinal family practice, and supports family doctors to provide care in priority areas such as in-hospital, long-term care facilities, maternity, mental health, and palliative care.
In-patient Care Initiative
Supports physicians to provide care and coordinate patient transitions between hospitals and the offices of community family doctors
Health Data Coalition
Enables collaborative quality improvement in primary care, and provides secure access to aggregated clinical data while maintaining both patient and physician confidentiality.
Leadership and Management Development Program
Gives participants the tools to build common skills and language in initiatives related to primary care redesign by building relationships, learning together, and solving problems.
Long-term Care Initiative
Enables physicians to develop local, scalable, and sustainable solutions that target to meet provincial-level best practice expectations and system-level outcomes.
Maternity Care for BC
Provides centralized support to for coordinating and enhancing EMR functionality and interoperability, technology solutions and support for complex IT technical issues, and centralized data management and reporting needs.
Provides quick access to current and accurate referral information, including wait times and areas of expertise for specialists and specialty clinics.
Patient Medical Homes / Primary Care Networks
Creates a clear path to care to enable access to quality primary health care that effectively meets the needs of patients and populations in BC.
Practice Support Program
Are community-based groups of family physicians who work together to achieve common health care goals, and collaborate with partners to enhance local patient care and improve professional satisfaction for physicians.